Monday, May 25, 2009

Rain Men (and women)

This Memorial Day weekend brought a few light rains to the Northern Virginia area, after nearly a full week of drought. It was actually quite nice. It was also a stark contrast to what we were forced to contend with on the set of Ghosts Don't Exist.

At nearly every location, we weathered heavy rains (no pun intended)—often several times a day, at all hours of the day.

While most of the film was shot indoors, there were a fair share of exterior scenes as well... and Mother Nature seemed to know exactly when we planned on filming them. Our team was prepared for just about anything, however—including this hand-held umbrella rig to allow Kuni to get closeups without waiting for the rain to stop.

Despite the umbrellas, tents, and raincoats, most of us were never completely dry. Even on the few days when it
didn't rain, the grounds we had to walk through were thoroughly soaked—we're talking standing water.

But I can't recall a single time when spirits were dampened. As director Eric Espejo shows, we just continued doing what we had to do throughout the downpours, maintaining our sense of humor—and love for movies—at all costs.

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